In Part II of our GPP certification exam, you have to edit a SolidCAM post-processor as you would have to do on a customer request.

Please click here to download the post-processor Matsuura-MX520_Fanuc31_5X and unzip the file.

When you have performed the requested changes below, please zip the edited .GPP and VMID file and upload your work for assessment. Every edited block in Post-Processor will be checked in detail and taken into account by our certification staff.


Tasks to be completed on this Postprozessor:

1. The Post-Processor gets error messages while GCode generation, please fix it

2. According to Fanuc controller add Peck Drilling cycle (G83) into the Post-Processor (click image to enlarge)


3. Add an option for Optional Stop (M01) supported by MCO (Machine Control Operation)

4. Add coolant options and make sure that they are located on correct position (click image to enlarge)


5. On beginning of GCode add a list of the tools that are used in generated operations and GCode file extension should be File Name with “.NC” extension (example: “Face_milling.NC”).